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Recent traveler guest reviews of Carroll, IA
Below are reviews of the city of Carroll, IA from an actual visitor's perspective.
4.0 / 5
Nice friendly city.
Denise O., from 26-Feb-2025
"Very Nice Rec. Center and Minor League Baseball"
5.0 / 5
Has very nice REC center. Minor league baseball game was cool. Very clean and nice town.
Damon B., from 28-Jun-2024
"Great Place to Visit"
4.0 / 5
Carroll is a great place to visit. Nice people and easy to navigate.
Jay D., from 12-Jun-2024
"Kinda Like Lake Woebegon!"
5.0 / 5
The downtown is pretty nice. Classic small midwestern town like Garrison Keillor's Lake Woebegon except set in Iowa with more Germans than Norwegians. LOL.
Greg A., from 30-Oct-2023
"I Like it All!"
5.0 / 5
There's nothing I don't like!
Kevin V., from 28-Sep-2023
"So Welcoming!"
4.0 / 5
I have family here and the hotel made me feel at home too! Thanks to all of you!
Bonita B., from 29-Jul-2023
"Loved the View!"
4.0 / 5
Very clean and pretty town. Loved the valley view from the hotel.
Leslie W., from 20-Sep-2022
"Great Italian Restaurant & Shopping Near Hotel"
5.0 / 5
There is a great Italian restaurant called Napoli's that is not too far from the hotel. Great shopping also close.
Barbara S., from 03-Aug-2022
5.0 / 5
Marlene N., from 24-Apr-2022
"Shopping and friendly small town feeling!"
5.0 / 5
Shopping and friendly small town feeling!
Kelli M., from 15-Mar-2022
"Good Food Options"
5.0 / 5
Good food to choose from. Friendly people.
Linda S., from 11-Mar-2022
"Great Restaurant Choices!"
4.0 / 5
A variety of restaurants nearby.
Don C., from 09-Nov-2021
The average traveler rating of the city of Carroll, IA shown above is
4.6 out of 5 based on 12 reviews