Somerset Grandview Shenzhen

深圳盛捷君临天下服务公寓, 广东省深圳市福田区新沙路5号
5 Xinsha Rd. Futian District, Shenzhen 518048 China (CHN)
4.0 Star Property
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Check Current Prices

Standard prices by room type for the next 60 days

Rates shown are nightly rates before taxes and do not necessarily reflect all discounts available. The chart provides the cheapest public rates available by room type.

Room Types

Check RatesExecutive Apartment 1 Bedroom

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Pet Friendly?

Sorry, pets are not allowed.

FAQs about Somerset Grandview Shenzhen

Can I get a AAA rate at Somerset Grandview Shenzhen?

Sorry, this hotel does not offer AAA hotel discounts at this time.

Can I get a Senior or AARP rate at Somerset Grandview Shenzhen?

Sorry, this hotel does not offer senior hotel discounts at this time.


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"It was great. I ended up booking my meeting with the best bid, that I wouldn't have received if it wasn't for you." C.C. - New York City, NY

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