Lodging near The Tower of Arabs (Burj Al Arab) are provided in the list below sorted in the order of their distance (closest at the top). Search for cheap and discount hotel rates near The Tower of Arabs (Burj Al Arab) in The Tower of Arabs (Burj Al Arab) for your leisure or groups trips. We list the best lodging close to The Tower of Arabs (Burj Al Arab) so you can review the available The Tower of Arabs (Burj Al Arab) accommodations below and find the perfect hotel.
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ibis Mall Avenue Dubai, Cosmopolitan Hotel and Centro Barsha are the best rated hotels based on customer reviews in the last 365 days.
Jumeirah Beach Hotel Dubai, Sheraton Mall of the Emirates Hotel, Dubai and Coral Boutique Villas are the top 3 luxury hotels near The Tower of Arabs (Burj Al Arab).
Jumeirah Beach Hotel Dubai, Beach Walk Boutique, and Holiday Inn Dubai - Al Barsha by IHG are the properties closest to The Tower of Arabs (Burj Al Arab).
Cosmopolitan Hotel, Centro Barsha and Al Khoory Atrium Hotel are the best rated independent hotels (not part of a big brand).