This neighborhood has plenty of wide open spaces for people to enjoy. There are several parks and playgrounds located throughout the area. The Neponset River runs through the neighborhood. The river provides individuals with an opportunity to walk along the shoreline and fish the waters. The community is also home to two golf courses.
Religion is very prominent in this area. Hyde Park is home to several different churches of various denominations. Many of these churches are over a hundred years old. They provide people with an opportunity to enjoy the historical architecture and express their faith.
The neighborhood is mainly comprised of residential homes. Many of these homes were built using the Victorian style architecture that was popular several decades ago. However, the area also offers people various restaurants and small stores. These businesses are located along several streets including Hyde Park Avenue, River Street, and Fairmount Avenue.
Residents and visitors, of Hyde Park, can also enjoy the various big city attractions. Theme parks, museums, and other tourist attractions are all located within a short drive from this area. Bars, clubs, and other nightlife venues are also located within a short distance of the neighborhood.