Lodging near Forks Market are listed below sorted in the order of their distance (closest first). Explore our favorite hotels to find accommodations near Forks Market (Forks Market) for your leisure or business trips. We show the best lodging close to Forks Market so you can review the discounted Forks Market lodging below and securely reserve your ideal hotel. Planning a meeting? Save with a Forks Market discounted group rate
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Inn at the Forks, The Fort Garry Hotel, Spa and Conference Centre, Ascend Hotel Col and Humphry Inn & Suites are the best rated hotels based on customer reviews in the last 365 days.
The Fairmont Winnipeg, Inn at the Forks and The Fort Garry Hotel, Spa and Conference Centre, Ascend Hotel Col are the top 3 luxury hotels near Forks Market.
Inn at the Forks, The Fort Garry Hotel, Spa and Conference Centre, Ascend Hotel Col, and Humphry Inn & Suites are the properties closest to Forks Market.
Inn at the Forks, Humphry Inn & Suites and Alt Hotel Winnipeg are the best rated independent hotels (not part of a big brand).
Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott Winnipeg and Residence Inn are the best rated Marriott/Starwood branded hotels (based on customer reviews score).
The Fort Garry Hotel, Spa and Conference Centre, Ascend Hotel Col, Quality Inn & Suites and Clarion Hotel & Suites are the best rated Choice Hotels branded hotels (based on HotelPlanner reviews score).