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Recent traveler guest reviews of Winthrop, WA
Below are reviews of the city of Winthrop, WA from an actual visitor's perspective.
4.0 / 5
Very nice, cute.
Charles W., from 10-Mar-2025
"Lovely, Adorable, Fun Town!"
4.0 / 5
The town is adorable and we love it! It is lovely and very fun and people are friendly which is nice.
Adam L., from 30-Nov-2024
"Fun bars. Decent food. Cute shops."
5.0 / 5
Fun bars. Decent food. Cute shops.
Don C., from 06-Oct-2024
"Uniquely Western City With Excellent Food!"
5.0 / 5
The city is uniquely western and again the two restaurants that we ate at, 3 Fingered Jacks and the Mexican restaurant especially had wonderful food. No complaints.
Bruce A., from 03-Aug-2024
"Charming Place!"
4.0 / 5
Charming place!!
Gerald D., from 13-Jul-2024
"Quaint Little Western Town"
5.0 / 5
A quaint little Western town! Jack's Three Finger Saloon was so good! A cute little town.
James B., from 17-Jun-2024
"Beautiful Historical Mining Town"
5.0 / 5
The town of Winthrop is a beautiful, historical mining town with buildings still designed of the era with lots of shops and plenty of things to do. We enjoyed our visit very much.
Jeff O., from 14-May-2024
"Old Time Atmosphere!"
4.0 / 5
The overall old time look! Visited the Iron Horse, Schoolhouse Deck for lunch. Easily accessible bathrooms and an interesting museum.
Nicole B., from 25-Sep-2023
"Great Restaurant Near Hotel"
4.0 / 5
Three Finger Jacks was great for dinner and just a few minutes from AbbyCreek Inn.
Ann L., from 20-May-2023
The average traveler rating of the city of Winthrop, WA shown above is
4.4 out of 5 based on 9 reviews