Hotels/lodging close to Sultan Abdul Samad Building are provided in the list below in the order of their distance (closest at the top). Explore our hotel guide to find lodging near Sultan Abdul Samad Building in Sultan Abdul Samad Building for your leisure or groups trips. We list the best motels and hotels close to Sultan Abdul Samad Building so you can review the discounted Sultan Abdul Samad Building lodging below and uncover the perfect hotel.
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Mk Inn Hotel, Aerotel Kuala Lumpur and Geo Hotel Kl are the best rated hotels based on customer reviews in the last 365 days.
Cosmo Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Cosmo Hotel Kuala Lumpur and Arenaa Star Hotel Kuala Lumpur are the top 3 luxury hotels near Sultan Abdul Samad Building.
Aerotel Kuala Lumpur, OYO 334 Everest Hotel, and Cosmo Hotel Kuala Lumpur are the properties closest to Sultan Abdul Samad Building.
Mk Inn Hotel, Aerotel Kuala Lumpur and Geo Hotel Kl are the best rated independent hotels (not part of a big brand).