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Hotels Near Hawaii Volcanoes National Park

Lodging close to Hawaii Volcanoes National Park are provided below sorted in the order of their distance (closest first). Use our search tools to find cheap hotel rates near Hawaii Volcanoes National Park (Hawaii Volcanoes National Park) for your upcoming individual or group travel. We show the best lodging close to Hawaii Volcanoes National Park so you can review the discounted Hawaii Volcanoes National Park hotels below and discover the perfect hotel. Need hotel rooms for a group? Find a Hawaii Volcanoes National Park group hotel rate

"Located on Hawaii and features two volcanoes"

The Hawaii Volcanoes National Park is located on Hawaii and features two volcanoes, Kilauea and Mauna Loa, that are still spewing lava. Eruptions are common from the Kilauea caldera. Overall, the park encompasses 505 square miles and stretches from the Pacific Ocean shore to Mauna Loa's 13,677 foot tall peak. The area includes lush, tropical flora and fauna and the barren Kau Desert. Hiking trails and camping are available. Tourists use the Hawaii Belt Road to enter the park. More from this guide...

Lodging & Accommodations close by Hawaii Volcanoes National Park

Kilauea Lodge : 19 3948 Old Volcano Rd.
19 3948 Old Volcano Rd., Volcano Village, HI 96785 ~8.11 miles northeast of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park
  • 4 star hotel
  • Check-in: 3:00 PM
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Very good 4.5 /5 Latest Reviews Call BookMore Details
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The Inn at Kulaniapia Falls - Hilo
100 Kulaniapia Dr., Hilo, HI 96720 ~28.27 miles north of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park
  • Three Star hotel
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Graph of Volcanoe National Park, HI Hotel Prices for Next 20 Days

Rates shown are nightly rates before taxes and do not necessarily reflect all Volcanoe National Park, HI discounts available. The chart reflects the cheapest Volcanoe National Park hotel for each day and each star rating category.

Kilauea is a Hawaiian word that means spewing. The Puu Oo cone has been spewing ash and lava since 1983. Kilauea has erupted 36 times since 1952. Ninety percent of Kilauea is covered in lava. This volcano is about the most active volcano in the world, making it the most visited volcano in Hawaii.

Kilauea is the youngest volcano on Hawaii, estimated at 600,000-years-old. This mountain, appearing more as a bulge, started its life as a submarine volcano and worked its way to the surface about 100,000 years ago. About 90 percent of Kilauea is under the sea.

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