Hotels/lodging near Adventure World are provided below sorted by distance (closest at the top). Explore our hotels/motels to find accommodations near Adventure World (in Adventure World) for your upcoming individual or group travel. Adventure World is located at 179 Progress Drive. We sell the best motels and hotels close to Adventure World so you can review the discounted Adventure World hotels & motels below and book your perfect hotel. Need a room block for a group? Reserve a Adventure World discounted group rate
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Esplanade Hotel Fremantle by Rydges, Hougoumont Hotel and Be. Fremantle are the best rated hotels based on customer reviews in the last 365 days.
Hyatt Regency Perth, Pan Pacific Perth and Fraser Suites Perth are the top 3 luxury hotels near Adventure World.
Esplanade Hotel Fremantle by Rydges, Hougoumont Hotel, and New Haus Managed by Hougoumont are the properties closest to Adventure World.
Esplanade Hotel Fremantle by Rydges, Hougoumont Hotel and Be. Fremantle are the best rated independent hotels (not part of a big brand).
Comfort Inn & Suites Goodearth Perth and Quality Hotel Ambassador Perth are the best rated Choice Hotels branded hotels (based on HotelPlanner reviews score).