FAQs about hotels in Launceston
What did travelers think of the city of Launceston?
Below are reviews of the city of Launceston, Australia from an actual visitor's perspective.
"Great location"
4.0 / 5
Walking tracks, weather, convenience of everything, very friendly people, great service wherever you go or shop
Janine L., from 27-Dec-2024
"Ease of getting around."
5.0 / 5
Ease of getting around.
Sheena C., from 02-Dec-2024
"Tamar River Dinner Cruise!"
5.0 / 5
We experienced the Tamar River Dinner Cruise which was fabulous!
Stacey D., from 09-Dec-2023
"Grain Restaurant & the Gym"
4.0 / 5
Visited the Grain Restaurant and the gym.
Robert F., from 25-Mar-2023
The average traveler rating of the city of Launceston, Australia shown above is
4.5 out of 5 based on 4 reviews