Hotels Near Lamidanda Airport (LDN)

Hotels/lodging near Lamidanda Airport (LDN) are provided in the list below in the order of their distance (closest at the top). Explore our hotel guide to find lodging near Lamidanda Airport (LDN) in Lamidanda Airport (LDN) for your personal or business travels. We list the best motels and hotels close to Lamidanda Airport (LDN) so you can review the discounted Lamidanda Airport (LDN) hotels below and uncover the perfect hotel.

Lamidanda Airport (LDN) Hotels You May Also Consider

Zambala Halesi Resort Call +1-888-389-4121 +1-888-389-4121 Halesi (Maratika) Khotang, Mahadevsthan, 56200 NP ~5.06 Miles from Lamidanda Airport (LDN)
  • Check-in time: 12:00 PM

Kyirmu Lodge Phaplu - Phaplu Call +1-888-675-2083 +1-888-675-2083 Phaplu, Phaplu, 56000 NP ~18.82 Miles from Lamidanda Airport (LDN)

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