Lodging/Accommodations close to John Bennett Indoor Athletic Complex
Aire Hotel North Beach
133 Carteret Ave., Seaside Heights, NJ 08751
~6.08 miles southeast of John Bennett Indoor Athletic Complex
- 2-star hotel
- Hotel has 2 floors
Sunrise Motel
202 Blvd. Dr., Seaside Heights, NJ 08751
~6.12 miles southeast of John Bennett Indoor Athletic Complex
- 2-star property
- Check-in: 2:00
La Fontana Motel
135 Grant Ave., Seaside Heights, NJ 08751
~6.22 miles southeast of John Bennett Indoor Athletic Complex
- Affordable property
- 22 sleeping rooms in hotel
Skyview Manor Motel
45 Dupont Ave., Seaside Heights, NJ 08751
~6.50 miles southeast of John Bennett Indoor Athletic Complex
- 2 star Beach hotel
- 3 floors in property
Sea Girt Lodge - Wall
2168 Highway 35, Wall, NJ 08750
~11.11 miles northeast of John Bennett Indoor Athletic Complex
- 2-star Beach hotel
- Free breakfast
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