Hotels/lodging close to Garden of Remembrance are provided below sorted by distance (closest at the top). Search for cheap and discount hotel rates near Garden of Remembrance (in Garden of Remembrance) for your leisure or corporate travels. We sell the best motels and hotels close to Garden of Remembrance so you can review the available Garden of Remembrance accommodations below and find the perfect hotel. Planning a meeting? Book a Garden of Remembrance group hotel deal
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Zanzibar Locke, The Croke Park Hotel and Hotel St. George by Nina are the best rated hotels based on customer reviews in the last 365 days.
The Clarence, Maldron Hotel Parnell Square and Leonardo Hotel Dublin Parnell Street - Formerly Jurys Inn are the top 3 luxury hotels near Garden of Remembrance.
Hotel St. George by Nina, Castle Hotel, and Maldron Hotel Parnell Square are the properties closest to Garden of Remembrance.
Zanzibar Locke, The Croke Park Hotel and Hotel St. George by Nina are the best rated independent hotels (not part of a big brand).