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Hotels Near Downtown Fort de France

Accommodations near Downtown Fort de France are provided below sorted by distance (closest at the top). Use our search tools to find cheap hotel rates near Downtown Fort de France (in Downtown Fort de France) for your leisure or corporate travels. We sell the best motels and hotels close to Downtown Fort de France so you can review the discounted Downtown Fort de France hotels + motels below and discover the perfect hotel.

Lodging/Accommodations close by Downtown Fort de France

Centre International de Séjour - Hostel - L'etang Z'abricot
Rue Ernest Hemingway, L'etang Z'abricot, 97200 Martinique ~1.53 miles east of Downtown Fort de France
  • Low Cost Suburban hotel
  • Free comp. breakfast
Very Good 4.0 /5 Review Score Call BookMore Details
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Hotel La Bateliere - Schoelcher
20 Rue Des Alizes, Schoelcher, 97233 Martinique ~2.04 miles west of Downtown Fort de France
  • Inexpensive property
Very Good 4.0 /5 Latest Reviews Call BookMore Details
Hotel Bakoua Les Trois Ilets - Trois-Ilets
Pointe Du Bout, Trois-Ilets, 97229 Martinique ~2.95 miles south of Downtown Fort de France
  • High-end Resort hotel
  • 138 rooms in property
Average 3.0 /5 Guest Reviews Call BookMore Details
Hotel La Pagerie in Trois-Ilets
Marina Pointe Du Bout, Trois-Ilets, 97229 Martinique ~3.01 miles south of Downtown Fort de France
  • Four star Beach hotel
  • 3 floors in property
Very Good 4.0 /5 Reviews Call BookMore Details
Le Cap Est Lagoon Resort & Spa
La Prairie, Le François, 97240 Martinique ~14.00 miles east of Downtown Fort de France
  • High-end Beach hotel
Average 3.0 /5 Reviews Call BookMore Details

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Bar Chart: Upcoming 20 Days of Downtown Fort de France Hotel Rates

Rates shown are nightly rates before taxes and do not necessarily reflect all Fort-de-France, Martinique discounts available. The chart reflects the cheapest Fort-de-France hotel for each day and each star rating category.

What are the best hotels near Downtown Fort de France?

1. Centre International de Séjour - Hostel The Centre International de Séjour - Hostel is a 1 star hotel located about 1.5 miles east of Downtown Fort de France and approximately a 3 min. drive. Recent travelers gave this hotel an avg. guest review rating of 4 out of 5. 4 /5 Guest Reviews
2. Hotel La Bateliere The Hotel La Bateliere is a crowd-pleasing 1 star hotel located ~2.0 mi. west of Downtown Fort de France and approximately a 4 min. drive or uber ride. With a aggregate guest review score of 4 out of 5, this makes it one of the finest hotel options nearby Downtown Fort de France. 4 /5 Guest Reviews
3. Hotel La Pagerie The Hotel La Pagerie is a well-liked 4-Star hotel located about 3.0 miles south of Downtown Fort de France and roughly a 6 minute drive or taxi ride. With a average guest review rating of 4/5, this makes it one of the first-class hotel options near Downtown Fort de France. 4 /5 Guest Reviews

3 Best Hotels near Downtown Fort de France

FAQs about hotels near Downtown Fort de France

What are the top reviewed hotels near Downtown Fort de France?

Centre International de Séjour - Hostel, Hotel La Bateliere and Hotel La Pagerie are the best rated hotels based on customer reviews in the last 365 days.

What are the top luxurious hotels near Downtown Fort de France?

Hotel Bakoua Les Trois Ilets, Hotel La Pagerie and Le Cap Est Lagoon Resort & Spa are the top 3 luxury hotels near Downtown Fort de France.

What hotels are closest to the area of Downtown Fort de France?

Centre International de Séjour - Hostel, Hotel La Bateliere, and Hotel Bakoua Les Trois Ilets are the properties closest to Downtown Fort de France.

What are the most popular independent hotels near Downtown Fort de France?

Centre International de Séjour - Hostel, Hotel La Bateliere and Hotel La Pagerie are the best rated independent hotels (not part of a big brand).

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