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Take advantage of our cutting edge group hotel booking forum for group discounts and special incentives customized for your group. Our network of group hotel sales managers will ensure you get the best group hotels rates for your business meeting, conference, wedding, reunion, religious or sports team travel.
Group Hotel DiscountWe have teamed up with the leading cruise, car rental companies and airlines. Use our services to easily gather discounted group cruise deals, car rental rates or group flight quotes.
Our Meeting Space search will provide you with instant room rental pricing. Perfect for finding wedding halls, conference space or banquet spaces.
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Meeting Space CalculatorWe have collected some great advice and commentary for your next wedding, reunion, meeting or any group travel event.
Event Planning ChecklistReceive a complimentary subscription to some of the leading group travel magazines. Articles, unbiased research and destination ideas - specifically for the group travel market!
Group Travel MagazinesTo host or not to host (per hour that is)…
The answer to this question often lies in what you are serving your guests to eat. The sugars in alcohol can play an important role in the consumption habits of your event guests. If you are hosting a dessert reception, consider paying for alcohol on consumption as people are found to consume less alcohol when eating sugary foods. Conversely, if you are serving salty appetizers (appetizers usually are salty in nature anyway), consider paying for per hour bar service, as people are more inclined to consume a larger amount of alcohol when consuming foods that are salty/"savory".