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Shumen Bulgaria Hotels & Motels

Find accommodations in Shumen with the hotel list provided below. Explore our guide for inexpensive and discount hotel/motel rates in or near Shumen, Bulgaria for your upcoming personal or group travel. We provide the best Shumen motel and hotel rooms. Browse the Shumen area hotels to find the perfect lodging! Please use the provided map of the Shumen hotels.

Additional Hotels in Shumen

Guest Rooms Life - Shumen Call +1-888-389-4121 +1-888-389-4121 Maritsa 39, Shumen, 9700 BG
  • Check-in time: 2:00 PM

Hotel Green Palace in Shumen Call +1-888-675-2083 +1-888-675-2083 20 Aleksander Stambolijski, Shumen, 9703 BG

Rimini Club - Shumen Call +1-800-716-8490 +1-800-716-8490 2 Haralan Angelov, Shumen, 9700 BG
  • Typically sells for 31.91 - 70.46 BGN

In the heart of Shumen, Rimini Club is close to Shumen Central Park and Founders of the Bulgarian State. This hotel is within the region of Shumen Fortress and Madara Rider.

Minaliat Vek in Shumen Call +1-800-805-5223 +1-800-805-5223 81 Simeon Veliki Blvd., Shumen, 9700 BG
  • Check-in: 2:00 PM

Hotel Terra Europe Brontes - Targovishte Call +1-888-965-1860 +1-888-965-1860 13 Stefan Karadja St., Targovishte, 7700 BG ~18.60 Miles from Shumen

Zarkovata Kashta Call +1-888-788-5576 +1-888-788-5576 House Number 106, Kotel, 8988 BG ~39.05 Miles from Shumen
  • Check in time: 2:00 PM

Next: See My Shumen Hotels with Pricing

Graph of Shumen, Bulgaria Hotel Prices for Next 20 Days

Rates shown are nightly rates before taxes and do not necessarily reflect all Shumen, Bulgaria discounts available. The chart reflects the cheapest Shumen hotel for each day and each star rating category.
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