FAQs about hotels in Munfordville
What did travelers think of the city of Munfordville?
Below are reviews of the city of Munfordville, KY from an actual visitor's perspective.
"Nice & Quiet"
5.0 / 5
Nice. Quiet.
Kathryn F., from 09-Jun-2024
"The old town square was interesting."
5.0 / 5
The old town square was interesting.
Lisa N., from 22-Jun-2022
"The old town was interesting."
5.0 / 5
The old town was interesting.
Lisa N., from 13-Jun-2022
"I like the small town feel!"
4.0 / 5
I like the small town feel.
Feridoun S., from 12-Nov-2021
The average traveler rating of the city of Munfordville, KY shown above is
4.8 out of 5 based on 4 reviews