You can find a wide array of cheap hotels in Adria with just the amenities that you are looking for, since the city is almost always packed with tourists from all over the world. Choose among the most recommended cheap hotels like Hotel Gran Delta, Casa Mia, Hotel Formula or the famous, Hotel Villa Carrer. Locating these facilities can be done very easily as well, all you need to do is to make sure you memorize their location, and keep a map with your luggage in case you need it.
If you are looking for hotels that offer the best of everything, Adria has a lot of options you can go for. Adria hotels are highly hospitable and offer diversified experiences, so it can be easy to get confused. When looking for hotels in Adria, try to remember the best names like the Hotel Ristorante Mansin, Locanda Ristorante 7 Mari, Albergo Minueto, or the Hotel Leon Bianco.
Among the main sites worth seeing for tourists, you will find a lot of churches and cathedral to explore. The Church of Santa Maria Assunta della Tomba is a great place to see if you have any interest in history, and it also houses a famous Baptismal Font which dates back to the 7th or the 8th century. You will find some paintings here as well, from the 15th and 16th centuries, and some relief sculptures by famous artists. You can also visit the Museo Arheologico Nazionale di Adria, which is full of wonders any traveler would kill to see. Apart from the historical sites, the city also has a few parks and other recreational areas that keep the visitors busy and many shops and boutiques offer local handmade goods for you to take home and remember this place by. Make sure you pack your wits along as well, since traveling to a land far off while require you to be open-minded and calm.