Hotels Near Tyger River Park - Duncan South Carolina
Hotels near Tyger River Park are provided below sorted by distance (closest at the top). Use our search tools to find cheap hotel rates near Tyger River Park (in Tyger River Park) for your leisure or corporate travels.
We sell the best motels and hotels close to Tyger River Park so you can review the available Tyger River Park accommodations below and discover the perfect hotel.
Planning a meeting?Book a Tyger River Park group hotel rate
"What Are My Hotel Options Near Tyger River Park?"By Andrea Miller, Travel Writer
Owned and operated by the Spartanburg County Parks Department and located in Duncan, Tyger River Park is the most popular facility in South Carolina for baseball and softball tournaments. This park features lots of amenities that make it a great place to spend the day with your family, even if no one is competing in a sporting event. More from this guide...
Lodging & Accommodations close by Tyger River Park