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Labrador City Newfoundland Hotels & Motels

Find accommodations in Labrador City with the hotel list provided below. Search for cheap and discounted hotel and motel rates in or near Labrador City, NL for your business or personal leisure travel. We show the best Labrador City, Newfoundland hotel and motel rooms. Browse the Labrador City area hotels to find the perfect lodging! Please use the provided map of the Labrador City hotels.

Labrador City Hotels/Motels & Accommodations

Wabush Hotel in Wabush
9 Grenfell Dr., Wabush, NL A0R1B0 ~3.10 miles southeast of Labrador City
  • 4 star hotel
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Average 3.0 /5 Hotel Reviews Call BookMore Details
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Graph: Upcoming 20 Days of Labrador City Hotel Rates

Rates shown are nightly rates before taxes and do not necessarily reflect all Labrador City, NL discounts available. The chart reflects the cheapest Labrador City hotel for each day and each star rating category.
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