Hotels/lodging close to Music Row are provided below sorted in the order of their distance (closest first). Search for cheap and discount hotel rates near Music Row (Music Row) for your upcoming individual or group travel.
We show the best lodging close to Music Row so you can review the available Music Row accommodations below and find the perfect hotel.
"Between the streets of 16th Avenue South and 17th Avenue South"
The name Music Row was derived simply by the fact the a significant number of businesses and musicians put down roots in the same particular area in Nashville between the streets of 16th Avenue South and 17th Avenue South. The first recording studio in Nashville was Castle Studio; whereas, Capital Records was the first major recording label to relocate their country-music personnel to the row. Once the Country Music Association was founded and RCA Studio B was open for business, the fate of Nashville and music was forever cemented in history. More from this guide...