Most of the hotels in Porto Seguro offer large motel style rooms, so if that is not your taste, you can choose to stay in a local Pousada and reinvent your traveling experience. Cheap hotels are not unattainable but will be hard to come by. Some great pousadas can be found near quadrado, like the Pousada Mata N'Ativa, or the Pousana Capim Santo. If you'd rather choose to stay in a cheap hotel, find places like Sunshine Praia Hotel, Transoceanico Praia Hotel, Flamingo Beach Hotel, or Eden Praia Hotel.
Porto Seguro hotels are pretty acquainted with a lot of tourist traffic, which is also why you can find so many different kinds of hotels in Porto Seguro. Among some of the finest accommodations are names like Best Western Shalimar Praia Hotel, Porto Calem Praia Hotel, Toko Village, Village Muta, or the famous Portobello Praia Hotels & Resorts. This place is usually full of young tourists and travelers looking for an exciting exotic escape, so you will find a lot of places to spend the night.
Porto Seguro is a great place to visit, especially if you're in for a crazy exotic ride. Since the place receives so many visitors, there are many independent hotels and boutiques that cater to people with a taste for culture and class. You will find some really nice places like Sued's Premium, Hotel Casa Blanca, Tropical Oceano Praia, or the Hotel Porto Dourado, which are all highly facilitated and offer the best services for tourists to take advantage of.